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Does Your Septic Tank Require Maintenance?

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Septic systems tend to be used much more frequently during the summer than other times of the year due to the fact that homeowners entertain more during the summer months and because the kids are out of school and at home. As a result, septic tank maintenance is more important than ever. To determine if your septic tank is ready for summer, you need to learn the signs that indicate your tank is in need of maintenance. Keep reading to learn a few of these signs.

Your Tank Hasn't Undergone Maintenance in Years

A standard septic tank for a four-person household will generally need to be pumped approximately every three years. If you have a smaller family, you can probably get by with a pumping every four years. However, if you have not had maintenance performed on your tank in several years or cannot remember the last time it was done, then there is a good chance that it is time to schedule tank maintenance.

Your Yard Is Incredibly Soggy

If you notice that your yard is really wet or swampy and it has not rained recently, then you may have an issue with your septic system. Your tank could have a crack in it, or it may be overflowing. As a result, the waste from the tank is seeping into the drain field.

Your Drains Are Moving Very Slow

Another sign that is indicative of septic problems is when the drains in the sinks and bathtubs start to drain slower than usual. This could mean that the septic tank is full or that the drain field or tank has been exposed to tree roots. Roots look for moisture, which is why they are lured to your septic system. Unfortunately, if they penetrate your system in any way, it could impact its overall performance.

Your Home Is Filled with Unpleasant Odors

Although it is listed last here, foul odors throughout your home are often one of the first signs that you are dealing with a septic issue. You will begin to notice the smell of sewage in the home, which is generally due to the fact that the tank has become too full. Take the time to look at the area around the system, as it will likely be damp and soggy.

If you notice any of the signs listed above, it is highly likely that you are in need of septic tank maintenance sooner rather than later. For more information, get in touch with a septic tank service near you.
