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Identifying And Eliminating Mold In The Home

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If you've been noticing some distinct changes within your home, it could be a sign of an underlying problem. If you suspect mold, it can definitely be a major problem. Here are some ways to identify mold and get rid of the problem for good. 

Identifying Mold Spores

Mold can be found almost everywhere, including inside homes. Almost all homes contain some amount of mold, even if no signs are visible. Cladosporium, Aspergillus, and Penicillium are the most common types, according to the CDC. Most of the time they linger on pet dander, dirt, or certain objects throughout the home. But when mold begins to spread, it can be easy to spot and often identified as:

  • Dark black spots on walls, carpet, plaster, or painted surfaces.
  • Gray and black-colored areas with an uneven texture that looks like fuzz or paint. 
  • Slimy or powdery texture with a foul, earthy smell. 

Areas that are moisture-rich without proper ventilation are also prone to mold infestation. Basements, bathrooms, and other areas that may get water damage can be breeding grounds for mold growth. Finding a professional who can eradicate the spores and provide proper mold remediation is essential to getting the mold problem under control. 

Health Side Effects

A major mold issue is that it can affect your health. For most people, it is no more than a nuisance and may cause slight respiratory distress until the mold is gone. A strong damp odor can cause many people to experience things like watery eyes, cough, or skin irritation. For sensitive individuals with underlying health problems like asthma or allergies, it can trigger an allergic response, which will require prompt medical care. 

Prompt mold removal is essential for a healthy home environment. It will help restore your living space, making it clean and fresh. 

Getting Rid of a Mold Problem

Now that a mold specialist has identified that you have a mold issue, it's time to get to work eliminating it. They will come in and recommend any removal of severely damaged walls, flooring, or furniture. From there, they will attack the mold from the inside out. They will also give you tips and suggestions on how to prevent mold from returning in the future. This may include routine checks, boosting air ventilation, and keeping mold-prone areas dry. 

Mold can have a significant effect on your home and health. Long-term effects can be debilitating and bothersome. Act now to get your mold problem under control. Call in mold remediation pros for a thorough mold check and removal today!
